Dr. Gaby Doumit

Dr.Gaby Doumit

One of the Most Innovative Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Doumit is known as a skilled surgeon and innovator who use state-of-the-art plastic and cosmetic surgery techniques to care for his patients in a compassionate fashion. He worked for many years at the world renowned CLEVELAND CLINIC. Dr. Doumit successfully treated many complex cases that failed treatments at other major university hospitals in the United States and the world.

achieve 15 Years + Experience achieve
achieve 12K + PROCEDURES PERFORMED achieve


Before & After

Real Patient Results



Dr. Doumit’s Specialty Procedures

Dr. Doumit is a respected figure in facial surgery and is known for his extensive contributions to the field. He has multiple plastic surgery textbook chapters and articles to his name.

Breast Augmentation

Dr. Doumit’s Specialty Procedures

Breast enlargement is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in North America. Dr. Doumit main goals are patient satisfaction and safety, along with a beautiful, long lasting outcome.

Breast Augmentation

Groundbreaking Medical Achievement

Full Face Transplant by Dr. Doumit

Dr. Doumit is the FIRST CANADIAN to have performed two Face Transplants. Dr. Doumit’s and his colleagues’ work was featured in CNN, CTV, National Geographic and many other news outlet throughout the world.

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